About discipleofmessiah.com

Hello, my name is Disciple X. Well, that's not my real name, but it is the name I will use on this site. Why an alias? Simple. I want this site to reflect the goodness and wonder of God and scripture. I don't want it to reflect me.

My goal on this site will be to challenge you. I want to make you think. I desire to encourage you to ask hard questions and challenge your beliefs. When we approach scripture with what we believe to be true, we only acknowledge our existing beliefs. We choose "proof texts" and overlook or avoid hard verses or conflicts with our worldview. I will challenge you to do the opposite. Hit those contradictory texts head-on and ask the hard questions. Don't assume truth, but seek to find it.

There will likely be many controversial topics you will encounter here that may challenge your beliefs. I implore you to engage with those topics nonetheless. Dive in and compare your beliefs to the things presented. Don't just take anyone's word for it. Your relationship with God and your salvation is too meaningful to assume you have things figured out. Life is too short to waste time not living for God. All the things that I want for myself, I desire for you. Together, we can be better disciples of our Master, Jesus. Together, we can learn from each other and challenge each other.

I always want to acknowledge that I am not 100% original or authentic. I think of myself as more of a curator of knowledge than an innovator. I have always loved collecting and organizing study materials. Most of the content within this site's studies is not my original ideas. I stand upon the shoulders of many great men and women who love and follow God. Sometimes, I will use text from sources verbatim. I will try my hardest to cite and reference the sources utilized. However, I am only one person and do not have the time or resources to do so at a scholarly level. I am always happy to share and recommend many sources I use on this site. I also do not intend to profit from anything communicated on this site. This site is strictly for advancing the kingdom and encouraging disciples.

As a curator of knowledge, I understand that most people do not spend as much time reading books and sources as I do. This reality is why I spend time curating and putting together sources for study. I aim to present ideas in "bite-size" formats that are simple and easy to read by most adults. Sometimes, the content may get more complex, but I will always strive to simplify your understanding as much as possible.

Without further ado, let's stop talking about the site and start studying!

-Disciple X